Today Henry had a play date with some of my friends from work and their kids. Marielly is almost six months old and Mason is 10 months. Henry and Marielly have had a lot of play dates together since her mom was on maternity leave the same time as me. They are just now starting to figure out how to grab each other and each other's binkies! Mason has it down though! He was very good with the babies and he especially liked all the new toys they brought with them. Overall the playdate went great and we can't wait to get them all together again.

Here are Henry and Marielly "sharing" one of Mason's toys.

Here are all three in order from oldest to youngest and biggest to smallest. I think Marielly and Henry were uniting on this one. You can tell that Mason's the only one that can really move, it was quite a struggle to get him to stay in one place and not roll on the babies.
Here's Mason playing with Henry's head, he'll be so much happier when Henry and Marielly can move around with him.
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