Friday, December 17, 2010

Four Months Old!

Oliver turned four months old on November 30th, so while I know I am behind with blogging it since he will be five months in a couple weeks, I wanted to wait until I had all of his stats and our appointment wasn't until this week. Anyways...Oliver is doing great. He is a healthy and happy baby who continues to bring us much happiness! Oliver weighs 15 lbs. 12 oz. (50th percentile) and is 24.4 inches long (20th percentile). Oliver is able to roll from his belly to his back (although he often refuses to do so) and is starting to be able to sit on his own for about 30-60 seconds before toppling over. He has recently started baby food which has been a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy! I wonder how long until Henry and Daddy get tired of feeding Oliver and it becomes my job! For now, I'll take the help. Oliver continues to be a great eater and sleeper, he prefers several cat naps throughout the day as opposed to a couple of big naps; which is what I would prefer, but we are adapting to his schedule.

Henry continues to love Oliver and the feeling is certainly mutual. I hope they continue to be close as they grow up.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Olivia" (and decorating Grammy and Papa's Tree)

Last week we all went over to Grammy and Papa's to "help" decorate their Christmas tree. I use the term "help" loosely as aside from about three ornaments all placed on one branch (thank you Henry) there was not much helping going on. But we all had some good food and a good visit. Auntie and Oliver spent much of the evening together playing with Auntie's scarf. Living with all these boys must be getting to Auntie, because she decided to turn Oliver into "Olivia" if only for a moment she was able to enjoy a "niece."

What Oliver would look like as a girl with multi colored stringy hair...not bad!

Auntie and "Olivia."

Oliver decorating the tree.

Reed holding "it."

And to finish the night off...a little boopity boo! Yes Reed is much too old for this, but does not seem to think so!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree Fun

We got our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving, which is a little sooner than we usually get it, but Kevin had some time off so the timing worked well. We decided to leave Oliver with Grandma and Grandpa while we took Henry to cut our own tree. Naturally he had a great time as he was able to ride in Grandpa's truck and help Dad cut the tree with a saw...what more could a little boy ask for! We have found long needle trees (I'm sure there is a technical name for them, but I don't know it) for a few years now and I absolutely love them! This one is a little bigger in the house than I had thought it would be, but it fits and we love it. Now if we could just figure out a way to keep the ornaments on...I don't even want to imagine how difficult this will be next year once Oliver can move around as well.

Searching for the perfect tree.

We found it! I always manage to get a good picture of Kevin with the kids, notice there is not one of was taken but it was so bad it was not blog worthy...I'll have to work at Kevin's picture taking skills.

Riding in Grandpa's truck with no car seat! I originally planned to go only about 1/2 a mile down the street from Grandma and Grandpa's, but the tree farm was closed so we ended up traveling further than I would have liked with no car seat, but he did well and we made it home safe and sound.

By far Henry's favorite part of the tree is the candy canes! Although most are broken as he would pile them up on the floor during the decorating process.

The finished product!! You can't see much of the tree, but the kids in front of it sure are cute!

Oliver was very cooperative for pictures in front of the tree...Henry not so much, he was good but 2 year old smiles are often goofy and painful looking.

Sweet boys!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I know I have been rather behind with the blog, but I will try desperately to keep up as this is a very busy season and much is happening here! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. It was more quiet than normal, which was a nice change of pace. We hosted dinner for Grammy, Papa, Gigi, Kerri and her boyfriend Eric. Grandma and Grandpa were in New York for a wedding and the Castor crew was celebrating with Bryan's family. While we missed those who could not join us, we enjoyed our quality time with those we were with. We were able to enjoy a new experience this year of a fried turkey! Eric came over with a marinated turkey and his fryer and we put the men to work. The turkey was incredible and I am certain we will never oven roast a turkey again! Thanks Eric! The rest of the day consisted of a lot relaxation, Hungry Hippos, football and some Wii of course! It was a great day and we were able to reflect upon how much we have to be thankful for.

The Sunday after Thanksgiving we had Grandma and Grandpa over to help us eat all the leftovers from the big day. Again the evening was wonderful and we had yet another round of Hungry Hippos.

I am so thankful for the cutest and most well behaved little turkey around!

Papa pondering his next move...pretty sure you just move the mouth and hope for the best Papa!

On our "second" Thanksgiving meal Daddy thought it would be a good idea to let Oliver try sweet potatoes...he did surprisingly well since we haven't even started cereal...I was going to try to hold him off for a while but it doesn't look like that will happen...he loves to eat!

More Hungry Hippos, we are slowly losing the marbles to this game and I can't say I will be upset when they are all is the loudest game ever!