Friday, July 25, 2008

First Ear Infection

Henry developed a bit of a cold on Sunday and it has progressively gotten worse. Kate was thrilled she was not responsible for his first cold. He was in a surprisingly happy mood and aside from having to get his nose sucked out and not being able to sleep well, he really didn't fuss much. Due to his good nature I was not planning on taking him to the doctor, but I took Grammy's advice to get him checked out before the weekend in case his symptoms got worse. It paid off, because he was diagnosed with his first ear infection. I hope this is no indication of his future, but he has handled it quite well. Here are some pictures of him playing before we knew about his ear infection and then another of him napping after.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random Pics

Henry has been very busy this past week. He continues to love swimming and is getting more brave in the water. He will go in his crab float, but I have found that he prefers being held so he can kick his legs and splash. He is also getting more interested in playing with his toys. He really enjoys looking at himself in his little mirror. He is still very active and is rolling over more and more each day, I think he's starting to learn that when he rolls he can get to some of his toys. I guess we'll have to think about baby proofing the house soon. I also included a picture of Kevin and Henry per Kate's request so everyone can see how much Henry looks like him. Unfortunately Kevin was not very cooperative with this, but you can tell Henry enjoyed it. Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub!

One of Henry's favorite things to do is taking a bath. I thought I would capture some of it to show everyone. (I put the pictures in the wrong order, but you get the idea).

Here he is all bathed and in his jammies having some fun with his hands.

He likes to check the temperature before his final rinse.

I enlisted some help from his cousins.

Friday, July 11, 2008

New Tricks!

Over the past two weeks or so Henry has been changing so much and learning some new tricks. He can now successfully get his thumb in his mouth, which he discovers does not always taste as good as he expects it to. He is also able to spend time in his bumbo seat and his saucer (which he is still a little small for). Kevin also informed me that he can hold his bottle as well, I have yet to see him be successful with this one, but I also have yet to give him a bottle so I'll take Kevin's word for it. His most recent and most exciting achievement has been rolling over. He can roll from belly to back and back to belly. He has always favored his belly so this has resulted in many restful naps and peaceful nights. I can't wait until my body finally adjusts to sleeping through the night! Here are some pictures of these great accomplishments.

This is how I found Henry during nap, sleeping on his belly.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

The Fourth of July weekend was full of many firsts for Henry. Kevin and I took Henry to my grandmother's house in Rhode Island, which is empty since she has moved back to CT, and "camped" out with Henry. This was his first sleepover, which he did not seem to enjoy. Our thought was that by spending the night we would get more sleep than if we got up early in the morning, well that did not happen. Henry also experienced his first trip to the beach. He seemed to enjoy the fresh air and napping with his father. When we returned home Henry enjoyed his first big barbecue at Joey and Caren's. He was very well behaved and enjoyed all of the ladies passing him around. Here are some pictures from our weekend, enjoy!

Henry putting his toes in the sand before the water reached them.

Napping with dad, and Tiddles of course.

A picture with the cousins, thank you Luke for joining in!

Another picture with the cousins (Luke still seems to be annoyed) before going to Joey and Caren's. I meant to get a close up of Henry's shirt, but it says, "Mommy's Little Firecracker." Anybody who has been around Henry when he fills his pants can enjoy that one!

And here is Henry at the barbecue, the hat was a big hit.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Henry visits Henry Park!

On Monday Kate was kind enough to invite Henry and I to join her and her friend for a play date at Henry Park. Of course we could not resist getting Henry out of the car on the way out of the park to take his picture next to the sign. He slept through it all, but at least I captured it in a picture.

Henry with Kate's friend, Jen, he seemed to really like her.

Henry with Jen's daughter Maddy, she seemed to really like him!


Sorry it's been a while since my last post, but we have been having some technical difficulties with our internet. Now that it's up and running I have a lot of catching up to do. On Sunday afternoon we decided to take Henry for his first swim in a big pool. We went over to his Grandma and Grandpa's and hoped the water was warm. You'll notice that Kevin is in all of the pictures, I'm just not ready to get in a bathing suit yet!

The water seems to be a little chilly for Henry.

Henry is not pleased his father is trying to make him jump.

Cole swims over to check on Henry, it seems he's got this whole swimming thing down.

So, apparently Henry prefers the float, he must get that from Grandpa!