Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Day of School

Henry started preschool this month. The first day of school was bittersweet for's so exciting to see Henry so eager to start this new phase of his life but at the same time, he's still my baby and he's growing up too quickly. Henry's going to a Catholic preschool two mornings a week. He seems to have made friends quickly and always leaves me with a smile and returns with a smile. He was less than thrilled to find out he had to wear a uniform everyday, although I'm not sure why, sweatpants and a t-shirt sounds like my kind of uniform! It's so fun to hear about his day although sometimes it's difficult to get much more out of him than, "we ate snack and talked about God." It's a start I suppose. He's always so excited to be reunited with Oliver, who I think is enjoying some special Mommy time while Henry is at school. So the first day came and went with only a few tears (from me of course) and Henry is now an old pro and eagerly awaits Tuesday and Thursday so he can return to school and keep learning!

My little angel.

Saying good-bye to his little sweet.

Ready to learn!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

We're Baaaaaaack

Alright, we're back and I am going to get back in the swing of things and be better about this blog. We had a very busy and fun summer but now it is time to get down to business. Stay tuned for updates...Henry started school and soccer and Oliver has learned to has been very exciting!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oliver's First Haircut

Oliver had his first haircut when he was about 9 months old. Unlike Henry he was not so much rocking a mullet but had some serious hair growth over the ears. As much as I was sad to cut his baby hair at such a young age I am very pleased with his big boy look, and those wings just had to go! He is now on the same schedule as Henry and Daddy and receives regular baby is getting so big!

The before...out of control wings!

This is one job that I am glad Dad always gets.

Looking a little concerned...

...and it's not that bad!

Starting to like his new look!

Making some mouth noises...always!

The new do!!

What a handsome big boy!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Henry's 3rd Birthday!

Henry turned 3 on April 1st, while I know I am way behind with my blogs, it is not entirely my fault, this website has been giving me some trouble, so I am going to try my best to get everything updated. Anyway, back to Henry. I can't believe that my baby is now three! He continues to be a very inquisitive and active little boy whose memory continues to amaze me. Henry is a great big brother and although he is realizing just how "pesky" Oliver can be, he is always quick to come to his defense or help him when necessary. Although Henry can be quite a stubborn child (still not sure where he gets that!), he is also very sweet and caring. Henry is very eager to learn to read and write and I fear he will be very disappointed when he starts preschool in the fall when he learns that the focus is colors and shapes...oh well at least there will be cool toys! Henry
loves spending time with his dad and will drive both of us nuts with his unending questions...if anyone knows how to explain what "true" means to a three year old...let me know. We are very proud of the little boy Henry is becoming and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. Here are some pictures of his birthday party that he shares with his favorite people in the world...his cousins!

The new bike...our present to Henry.

The pinata, the only thing Henry wanted at his party...the theme was Toy Story 3.

Reed getting after it...can you tell he's the youngest of 4?

Collecting the candy...where's Owen??

Kevin, always so serious, I really wish he would lighten up a bit!

The Buzz cake...Kevin you are amazing! He swears this is the last one he's doing, but I've got news for him...Oliver turns 1 next month!

The cupcakes...Reed 2, Henry 3, and Cole 4

Oliver enjoying some cake with Aunt Kerri.

Happy Birthday Henry, Cole and Reed!

Friday, May 20, 2011

9 Months Old!

Oliver is growing way too fast! He turned 9 months at the end of April and is definitely becoming a little boy quicker than I would like. He now has a total of four teeth and continues to be a great eater and has certainly found his voice! Oliver can be as loud and sometimes louder than Henry when he decides to yell and play. His new favorite noise is a quite intense is quite possibly the cutest thing in the world! Henry and Oliver are starting to "play" together more often and both love to be rough with each other. Henry is quickly learning that if he sits too close to Oliver he is likely going to be hit, kicked or bit...only recently has Henry started to retaliate, which often leads to a knock down drag out fight! Oliver had his nine month doctor visit this month and overall he is a healthy little man. He weighs 19 lbs. 7 oz (30th percentile) and is 27 inches (10th percentile). While Oliver is not an official crawler, he can crawl backwards like a pro and get from any position (belly or back) to sitting. He also scoots on his bum and trust me when I say, he can get into ANYTHING!!! He is starting to pull himself up and can get to his knees but hasn't tried anything further. We love having Oliver in our family and are certainly enjoying watching him grow into a little boy!

Always happy when there is food involved!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Oliver's Baptism

Oliver got baptized back in March, however my not posting it sooner is not entirely my fault, we have been having some difficulties with the blog, so I may have to change some things. I also intended to include many more photos but was unable to upload them for some reason. Anyway, Oliver was extremely cute in his outfit and we are so blessed to have such great family and friends that were able to share in his special day (we missed you Bubba and Emily). Here are the photos I was able to upload...and stay tuned, I have a lot of catching up to do!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 Months Old!

Once again I find myself very far behind with blogging. It seems like we always have so much going on, but I will try to catch up so stay tuned. Oliver turned 8 months at the end of March, so this is way overdue! His hair is growing like crazy and he will be having his very first haircut this weekend, at first it was going to be a trim around his ears, but now I think he needs a real haircut! He is still pretty blond and so far has kept his big blue eyes, which attract a lot of attention! He is extremely vocal and not so mobile. He has recently mastered waving and accompanies it with a very soft (although it's getting louder now) bye bye. His regular words are Mama, Dada and Yay (when he claps) and he is able to use them appropriately. He laughs like crazy at Henry especially if Henry is crying, which is just plain mean! He can get around the floor on his belly going backwards and he can scoot on his bum, but he has not mastered crawling on all fours. He still prefers sitting position and has started really yelling to get every one's attention. He continues to be a great eater and is almost totally on non pureed food. He has mastered a sippy cup and is known for stealing Henry's drinks, so I am quite sure he has had chocolate milk as well as orange juice. Oliver is just the sweetest baby ever and will cuddle all day if I let him. He is still a mama's boy and I hope that never goes away! I can't believe how big he is getting! He brings us so much joy every day!! Henry continues to be the best big brother...he will check on him if he is sad and will share some of his toys with him depending on the day. Here are some pics of our baby!

The sign goes right in the mouth so I had to assist with this one.

My happy baby!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Disney World!!

Better late than never! I have finally found time to update the blog from our wonderful Disney vacation! We had such an amazing trip and all of the kids were so well behaved and even the adults enjoyed the Disney experience. We had great weather and both of the kids were amazing during the drive. I included a lot of pictures because I couldn't decide which ones not to include. We had a great vacation and can't wait to do it again (when our kids no longer require strollers!)

Oliver loved the pool...who could blame him it was like a huge tubby!

Henry continues to love the water and didn't even need time to warm up, I wasn't sure how he would do since he hasn't been in water since last summer.

On our first day at Disney we went to a character breakfast with Lilo, Stitch, Mickey, Minnie and Pluto. It was a good thing we decided to do this since you have to stand in line in the parks to see the characters, they are no longer roaming around waiting to get attacked by the kids.

Henry required many ice creams and pops to remain entertained while the bigger kids (and men) went on the bigger rides...overall the little ones did really well waiting.

Oliver and I on Small World, I was surprised how many rides Oliver was able to go on with us...I may not have taken him on some of them if I had known what they were all about...(like the haunted mansion), but he seemed to enjoy all of them.

The littles (Henry, Reed and Oliver), Kevin and I watched as the rest of the crew came down Splash Mountain.

The boys at Animal Kingdom (if you click on this to make it bigger you can see the amazing artwork on their faces). This was one of our favorite parks, there was so much to see for all of us and the carnival games definitely made going to Florida worth the trip for Henry!

Oliver took many naps in the strollers...Henry not so much, but that made for early bed times every night!

Kevin booing another kid...really Kev, is this appropriate to teach our kids!

Henry won two "carnival" games on his own, making his cousins somewhat jealous, I'm sure it was all those hours he logged of playing his Wii carnival games, again, the HIGHLIGHT of the trip for Henry, just ask him what his favorite part of Disney was and this is what he will tell you. We could have saved everyone a lot of money and just hit up lots of carnivals during the summer!

A great picture of Reed with Grammy and Papa.

Henry and Kevin spent a lot of time watching this monkey and his friends fling poo at each other...I know really, it doesn't take much to entertain my boys!

Grammy and Papa and their boys at Hollywood Studios.

Henry with Tigger and Eeyore at Hollywood Studios.

The boys and me, again at Hollywood Studios.

The gated community we stayed at had a community pool complete with sprinklers, both of my kids loved them!

The teacups...another favorite of Henry's.

The Castors and us on our last day.

Oliver at the Electrical Parade...which was awesome!

Kevin bought light up swords for all of the boys...all of the boys, big and small, were thrilled!

All the cousins with Bubba and Emily.
We had a great time!! Thanks again Grammy and Papa!!