Friday, August 29, 2008

Luke Sleeps Over!

For about the past month or so, Luke was asking me every day when he could sleep over with Henry. He was upset because Jack had a turn in June when Kate and Bryan went away and he has not had his turn yet. Well, let's hope the questions stop, because we have finally achieved having Luke sleep over. I don't know who was more excited, Luke or Henry. It appears that Henry would have made a great little brother, as he really seemed to enjoy having Luke around. He even let Kevin and I sit down and eat a meal together, which has not happened since he was born. He sat in his high chair next to Luke and was entertained during the whole meal. Both boys went to bed well, Henry in his crib, Luke in my bed. Luke was upset when he woke up on Henry's floor because as he put it "I was supposed to sleep in the middle of you and Kev!" I fear that he'll want to sleep over again until this is achieved. Both boys woke up at 6 a.m. and were ready to play. Luke seemed to enjoy his time with us and he even offered to live with us since we only have one kid and it's a baby. He offered to be our "big boy kid" since his parents already have two kids. It was tempting but we decided to leave all how it is and he will continue to be our nephew instead of our child, however he is always welcome to sleep over.
And the excitement begins, seriously Henry really liked having Luke here.

Kate, Jack and Cole stopped by for a quick visit and Cole fell in the bucket of cars. Luke was not happy to see them and so they left shortly after they came.

I love this picture because you can tell Henry is trying to get Luke's attention.

And here Henry has managed to get a hold of one of Luke's cars, unfortunately after this picture was taken the car was removed due to sharp edges, sorry Henry.

Here's Luke whipping up a batch of French toast for breakfast.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Surprise Trip to Boston!

So over the weekend Laura had come to visit Henry and she told me that everyone was getting together at Chrissy's for dinner on Monday and that Henry and I should come. We then thought it would be even better if we made it a surprise. We let Meghann in on the secret because she was home on Monday so Henry and I were able to go early to visit with her, and Tama knew because she was working and could not join us. Jil and Anne Marie knew there was a surprise but did not know what it was, however they did figure it out by the time they got to Chrissy's. Chrissy however did not know until we arrived. Even then she believed me when I told her I left Henry home with Kevin, but she got really excited when she noticed him in the car waiting for her. As if I would not bring him to visit the girls, I do not think they would let that happen. So here are some pictures of our big surprise!

Henry hanging out in Meghann and Laura's new apartment.

Chrissy's "surprised" face!

Henry and Anne Marie, he can't wait for his friend to join him! Only 7 months to go!

Henry with Jil, no Henry you do not look good as a blonde, but according to Meghann they DO have more fun!

This was the best part, not only do we show up unannounced for dinner, but we also ask if Henry can bathe in the sink. Thankfully Chrissy and her roommate, Shannon, were very kind and allowed it, in fact I think everyone, including Henry enjoyed this experience. Thanks again Chrissy and Shannon for your hospitality, it was great to see everyone! We can't wait for our next trip, we may have to make it an overnight!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ahoy! Henry Sails!

On Sunday Kevin, Henry and I drove to Mystic to visit Grammy and Papa on their boat and go for a quick sail. The day was beautiful and we all had a great time. Henry spent much of the "sail" down below with Grammy so he could be free of the life jacket. He enjoyed watching the waves and the clouds out the window and the tipping of the boat certainly made Grammy more nervous than him. Unfortunately we had to head back to the dock fairly early into the sail because Henry was having a hard time getting comfortable in his life jacket. He enjoyed the fresh air and the gentle rocking of the boat when the sails weren't up and he was eventually able to fall asleep. After our quick sail we enjoyed a picnic lunch and then headed home. Overall the trip was successful and we can't wait to do it again!

"I'm Sailing!!"

This made for a great teething ring!

"Papa, it's all clear over there."
Thank you Grammy and Papa for a wonderful day!

Henry in the dreaded life jacket, you can see why he was uncomfortable.

Friday, August 8, 2008

First Attempts at Solids!

Henry has successfully conquered eating solids! He has been enjoying this new treat, and gets quite upset when dinner time is over. Although this is a messy task it was one both Kevin and I have been looking forward to. These are some pictures and a video from his first attempts at eating. He did surprisingly well and we even had to thicken the cereal so it was easier for him to get off the spoon.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Four Months Old!

Henry turned four months officially on Friday, August 1, but he had his four month check up today. All is well and he continues to be healthy. He is tipping the scales at a conservative 13 lbs. 4 ounces (15th percentile) and measuring about 24 1/2 inches (25th percentile) The doctor continues to assure me that his size is healthy and there is nothing to be concerned about. He is meeting all of his developmental milestones and has been given the green light to begin solid foods. (Standby for more pictures as I'm sure this will occur later tonight). Overall Henry is in excellent health and overcome his ear infection. He did develop a slight rash this morning, which was good timing but we still are not sure exactly what it is from but it is certainly not bothering him and it does not appear to be getting any worse, so we'll just watch and see. He also received three shots, which he was very good for, he screamed, but only for the first one and then he just looked angry. After a little nap, he woke up happy and has been acting like himself ever since. Here are some pictures from today and yesterday so you can see how big our four month old is! Enjoy!

I don't know what we would do without this toy, it goes everywhere with us. (thanks Nina!)

This is how I found Henry sleeping the other day, I thought it was so funny.

Henry in his jumper. Well really I should have taken a picture (and I will) of the contraption Kevin had to build so that he could jump at our house since the original jumper would not fit over our moldings and Kevin would not dream of drilling a hole in them. Henry is starting to get the hang of jumping but even when he's just hanging he is happy as he can see us from the kitchen, dining room and living room.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Friends

Today Henry had a play date with some of my friends from work and their kids. Marielly is almost six months old and Mason is 10 months. Henry and Marielly have had a lot of play dates together since her mom was on maternity leave the same time as me. They are just now starting to figure out how to grab each other and each other's binkies! Mason has it down though! He was very good with the babies and he especially liked all the new toys they brought with them. Overall the playdate went great and we can't wait to get them all together again.

Here are Henry and Marielly "sharing" one of Mason's toys.

Here are all three in order from oldest to youngest and biggest to smallest. I think Marielly and Henry were uniting on this one. You can tell that Mason's the only one that can really move, it was quite a struggle to get him to stay in one place and not roll on the babies.

Here's Mason playing with Henry's head, he'll be so much happier when Henry and Marielly can move around with him.

I AM Big!!!

We always joke about how Henry thinks he is so much older and bigger than he really is. For example, he is constantly trying to grab our cups when we are drinking, and he will try extremely hard to pull himself up into a sitting position if we are on the ground playing. He is in such a hurry to grow up and I just want him to stay my little baby forever. It is quite comical however, how he tries so hard to be such a big boy. Here are some pictures of my "big boy" at his finest.

While enjoying a feeding from his father, Henry much prefered the water in the cup to the bottle.

And he realized this is more his style!

He looks a little unsure about this fashion, but he really does love it.

Trying to sit up like a big boy.

This one is just too cute, and I did not pose him like that, this is how he takes his tubs now, on the "big boy" side of the tub where he can sit up. Even his facial expressions are trying to be big!