Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nine Months Old!

On January 1st Henry turned nine months old. It is hard to believe that in a few short months he will be one year old! In the last few weeks he has grown up so much. We went to the doctor this week and made out well. Henry continues to be healthy and is growing on target. He is weighing in at 20 lbs. and 12 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long. This puts him in the 45th percentile for weight and 15th for height. I think Henry's doctor was impressed with the amount of rolls he has around his knees. Since he is growing well Henry will be able to start on milk (which made us very happy with the cost of formula!), which I'm not sure will go well for Henry since he likes his bottles extremely warm. Time will tell. Here are some recent pictures of Henry with all of his new accomplishments, he is now crawling (and worming) everywhere and pulls up on everything and anything he can find.

He continues to be the happiest baby ever!

Kevin was wondering why his socks were so long, maybe to cover the rolls on his knees?

Henry is fascinated with the computer, probably because it is one of the few things we do not let him touch. We decided if we let him play with it for a short time maybe it would take some of the appeal away, it did not work, he still loves the computer, as you can tell.

I left one of the cabinet doors open and Henry decided he would poach some eggs!

Henry's favorite new room is the dining room, so he can pull himself up on the chairs, here he is trying...

And he's up!!


B said...

Great pictures Amy! He is so cute...I wish I was there to squeeze him. I love his smile!

Amy Klvana said...

You'll be here soon and I can promise he will still have the chubby knees!!