Saturday, January 24, 2009
Luke's Birthday Outing
Instead of buying gifts for the kids, for their birthdays Kevin and I decided to take them out to do an activity of their choice and for a meal, also of their choice. Luke chose to go to Nomad's, which is an activity center similar to Chuckee Cheese. Kevin had a great time playing all of the games with Luke and Henry and I stayed close by watching the two have fun. Here are some pictures from Luke's day. Happy 4th Luke!!
Basketball was by far the favorite game, even Henry cried when we left this area.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Nine Months Old!
On January 1st Henry turned nine months old. It is hard to believe that in a few short months he will be one year old! In the last few weeks he has grown up so much. We went to the doctor this week and made out well. Henry continues to be healthy and is growing on target. He is weighing in at 20 lbs. and 12 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long. This puts him in the 45th percentile for weight and 15th for height. I think Henry's doctor was impressed with the amount of rolls he has around his knees. Since he is growing well Henry will be able to start on milk (which made us very happy with the cost of formula!), which I'm not sure will go well for Henry since he likes his bottles extremely warm. Time will tell. Here are some recent pictures of Henry with all of his new accomplishments, he is now crawling (and worming) everywhere and pulls up on everything and anything he can find.
He continues to be the happiest baby ever!
Kevin was wondering why his socks were so long, maybe to cover the rolls on his knees?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fun in the Snow
Last weekend after it snowed and the sun was shining we decided to take Henry outside to play in the snow for the first time. For a child who loves being outside no matter what the weather, it came as no surprise to us that he loved the snow. I tried to keep mittens on him, but he kept taking them off so he could eat the snow.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Getting Bigger and Bigger!
So as anybody who has children knows, they grow up so fast. Henry is already 9 months old and he is doing new things every day. As amazed and excited as I am to experience all of these milestones, it also makes me realize that my baby is growing up. In the past two weeks I feel like he has grown more and accomplished more new things than he has in the first 8 months of his life. Although he continues to prefer the "army crawl" to a traditional four point crawl, Henry is now able to get himself from a crawling position to sitting. He also recently surprised me and was almost standing in his crib when I went to get him up from his nap. I really think he would be able to do it if his knees didn't have so many rolls!
This is how I found him, he was laughing at me as I was yelling to Kevin to get the camera!
So then we decided to prop him up standing to see how he would do, and he ate the crib with his one tooth.
Christmas Morning
Sorry for the delay, but I almost didn't post these pictures from Christmas morning since I already posted some from Christmas Eve, but when I came across them I realized they were too cute not to post. There are about a million other great Christmas shots, but they will have to come out in later random posts. Henry thoroughly enjoyed his first Christmas. I think he is still feeling the excitement of Christmas morning as he is just as excited to see his toys in the morning as he was to receive them in the first place. The joys of being a baby!

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