Henry turned five months yesterday, on September 1st. We celebrated by having a cook out at Kate and Bryan's. Well, not really celebrated, that's just what we ended up doing yesterday. Anyway, he is getting so big and acting older every day. He continues to do well with eating solids and has recently been introduced to vegetables. These have not gone over as well as the fruit but he's learning to like them. He's starting to be able to sit up on his own, although he tends to flop forward a lot. And, although he doesn't crawl he does manage to get most places he wants to get either by rolling or well I'm not quite sure how it does it, but he does. Here are some pictures of our big five month old!
I don't think he's quite ready for a seat belt, apparently his father does however!

Here he is sitting, well kind of.

Here is was trying to get the camera, check out the drool on the chin!
1 comment:
I love that last picture Amy...he is so cute. They grow much too fast!
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