Henry turned 3 on April 1st, while I know I am way behind with my blogs, it is not entirely my fault, this website has been giving me some trouble, so I am going to try my best to get everything updated. Anyway, back to Henry. I can't believe that my baby is now three! He continues to be a very inquisitive and active little boy whose memory continues to amaze me. Henry is a great big brother and although he is realizing just how "pesky" Oliver can be, he is always quick to come to his defense or help him when necessary. Although Henry can be quite a stubborn child (still not sure where he gets that!), he is also very sweet and caring. Henry is very eager to learn to read and write and I fear he will be very disappointed when he starts preschool in the fall when he learns that the focus is colors and shapes...oh well at least there will be cool toys! Henry
loves spending time with his dad and will drive both of us nuts with his unending questions...if anyone knows how to explain what "true" means to a three year old...let me know. We are very proud of the little boy Henry is becoming and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. Here are some pictures of his birthday party that he shares with his favorite people in the world...his cousins!

The new bike...our present to Henry.

The pinata, the only thing Henry wanted at his party...the theme was Toy Story 3.

Reed getting after it...can you tell he's the youngest of 4?

Collecting the candy...where's Owen??

Kevin, always so serious, I really wish he would lighten up a bit!

The Buzz cake...Kevin you are amazing! He swears this is the last one he's doing, but I've got news for him...Oliver turns 1 next month!

The cupcakes...Reed 2, Henry 3, and Cole 4

Oliver enjoying some cake with Aunt Kerri.

Happy Birthday Henry, Cole and Reed!
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