Always happy when there is food involved!
Friday, May 20, 2011
9 Months Old!
Oliver is growing way too fast! He turned 9 months at the end of April and is definitely becoming a little boy quicker than I would like. He now has a total of four teeth and continues to be a great eater and has certainly found his voice! Oliver can be as loud and sometimes louder than Henry when he decides to yell and play. His new favorite noise is a quite intense is quite possibly the cutest thing in the world! Henry and Oliver are starting to "play" together more often and both love to be rough with each other. Henry is quickly learning that if he sits too close to Oliver he is likely going to be hit, kicked or bit...only recently has Henry started to retaliate, which often leads to a knock down drag out fight! Oliver had his nine month doctor visit this month and overall he is a healthy little man. He weighs 19 lbs. 7 oz (30th percentile) and is 27 inches (10th percentile). While Oliver is not an official crawler, he can crawl backwards like a pro and get from any position (belly or back) to sitting. He also scoots on his bum and trust me when I say, he can get into ANYTHING!!! He is starting to pull himself up and can get to his knees but hasn't tried anything further. We love having Oliver in our family and are certainly enjoying watching him grow into a little boy!

Always happy when there is food involved!

Always happy when there is food involved!
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Without bragging we do have the most adorable grandsons ever!
He IS growing up way too fast. But, he is just so adorable.
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