Last Weekend
Henry fixing up Frosty.
Jack testing out Frosty's pipe.
We don't have any hills at our house, but the boys were fine with Kevin running up and down the street with the sled.
Even Oliver got in on the action, he loves being outside!
Henry and Kevin spent most of today outside coming in only to eat and defrost (and take a little nap). At one point Oliver and I also ventured outside to "sled" with Owen, but that was short lived as it was still snowing hard and the little guys didn't last long. I also didn't get any pictures of that since I had no free hands, but let me tell you...they were cute. Here are some pictures from our snow day today.
This was around 7 am, notice how high the snow already was!
Oliver is surprisingly content outside, I actually think he was happier when we were outside than when were inside.
This is towards the end of the day, still snowing, but slowing down. I could barely see Henry's head over some of the snow piles as he and Kevin were snow blowing.