This year we celebrated Henry's second birthday with his cousins Cole and Reed who have birthdays within days of Henry. Auntie and Uncle Bryan were kind enough to host the event and all of our family was able to help celebrate! The boys had a great time and other than a few squabbles about whose birthday party it was, it went extremely well. Kate has some cute pictures on her blog with the boys in their 1,2,3 T-Shirts, so check it out!

Kevin worked extremely hard on this baseball cake. I baked it and he decorated! I think he did a great job, and Henry
definitely loved it!

The three birthday boys! Grammy made Cole's soccer ball cake and Reed's beach ball cake, we'll have to come up with another theme for next year!

Reed peaking around a present.

The birthday boys opening their gifts.

Cole showing off his camera from Grammy.
Wow, great job on the cake Kevin! I honestly don't think I could do that. Henry is so cute. I swear he looks like a mini Kevin. :) Amy, when can we see some preggo pics?
Thanks Bethany, yea Henry would definitely have a boring cake if it wasn't for Kevin, and he is a mini Kevin. I just realized the other day I haven't taken any preggo pics, maybe I'll get brave soon and take some, but I can assure you, it is not a pretty sight!
I think maybe a tool theme for next year! Kevin and Grammy are up to it or maybe pirates!
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