Saturday, March 14, 2009

Henry's First Haircut

Henry was long overdue for a haircut as his mullet was getting out of control. We learned that the mullet was beginning to break and so his hair was not growing evenly. He now has a small area by his neck that now only has peach fuzz and a thick area above that. Hopefully it will all even out. All in all he did a great job and sat fairly still.

Before the big cut.
A mirror shot, Henry certainly enjoyed watching himself get a new do!

"I think you took a little too much off the top"

Showing mommy his comb.

My favorite picture!

Henry made truck noises while she used the buzzers.

This was Kevin's idea of having Henry "look down."

The finished product! Both Daddy and Henry with fresh new do's! (And no I did not approve of the pop and it was thrown away immediately following this picture)


Nicole said...

Henry looks so cute.I bet that his haircut looks better than his uncle Bryan's!

Kate Castor said...

Finally the mullet is gone!! He looks so old and the pictures are really cute! (Kev you're cute too!)

Durant said...

He looks so handsome... I'm talking about Henry of course!!

Grammy and Papa said...

How cute. Looks like both Henry and Dad had fun! You both look very handsome