Saturday, June 28, 2008
Two Cute!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The trip was a success and we hope to do it again soon. Maybe next time we can stay overnight! Thank you Meghann, Laura and Megan for your hospitality.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekend with the cousins
Henry and Luke, I think Henry was trying to watch T.V.
Alright, so I couldn't get a picture with both Cole and Henry due to not having enough arms to ensure Henry's safety. Sometimes Cole loves Henry just a little too much! But you know what Cole is thinking in this picture, he's glad Henry's finally the one in the stroller while he's free!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Heat Wave!!
Here's Henry getting ready to venture outside to try out the pool.

I know Henry, sorry I dress you up all the time, but I just can't resist, you're so adorable!!
So, the frog pool I got for Henry and Cole is very cute, but as you can see Henry is not a fan. We'll try again when the water's a little warmer and he's not ready for a nap.
But, as you can see the Castor boys certainly enjoyed the pool. Jack and Luke ignored the "no diving" warning on the pool, however they all managed to leave here in one piece. I have a feeling this is going to be a very fun summer!