A few weekends ago we went pumpkin picking with the Castor's (minus Uncle Bryan...we missed you). The kids had fun and we were able to get some great pumpkins despite the crowds. As always Oliver was great and slept for much of the experience.

Oliver getting a lift on Daddy's "strollers" as Henry calls them.

Somewhere I have a picture of all the kids in the hay pile, but for some reason it did not upload, but Jack and Oliver sure are cute!

The Castor crew.

All of us.

Jack found this pumpkin on the hay ride, but reconsidered when Kate told him he had to carry it the rest of the day.
Henry also wanted a large
but he also reconsidered and settled for this one.
Reed and the scarecrow...so cute.
Love the pictures, I need some copies of those!
We have without a doubt the cutest grandchildern in the world!
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