We had our yard redone recently by one of Kevin's friends and he dropped the "digger" off a day early and left the keys so Kevin and Henry could have some fun. Kevin couldn't even wait for Henry to get up from his nap before he was taking rides around the yard. Once Henry was up though, they both could not get enough! For once I'm thankful our yard is as small as it is otherwise I am sure they would both be wanting to buy their very own "digger."

Here they are moving the large rock so the yard could be ripped up.

So serious!

It looks like Henry is really concentrating!
Where are the "after" pics, the yard looks so good you should post some! I also love how they have the exact same expressions on their faces in every picture!!
I'll never forget how Robb looked when we rented a "bobcat" several years ago. I swear he tried to come up with a reason that we needed to buy one! ; ) Yes... boys and their toys - could not be a truer statement!
Looks like Kevin 1 and mini Kevin!I agree with Kate where's the after shots
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