Sunday, June 13, 2010
Trolley Museum
This weekend Kevin, Henry and I took a trip to the Trolley Museum in East Windsor. I figured we should take advantage of the next few weeks of having only one child. Although we have been to the museum a few times before it is always a fun activity. Henry seemed to enjoy the "train" ride more this time than last.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Boys and Their Toys!
We had our yard redone recently by one of Kevin's friends and he dropped the "digger" off a day early and left the keys so Kevin and Henry could have some fun. Kevin couldn't even wait for Henry to get up from his nap before he was taking rides around the yard. Once Henry was up though, they both could not get enough! For once I'm thankful our yard is as small as it is otherwise I am sure they would both be wanting to buy their very own "digger."
Here they are moving the large rock so the yard could be ripped up.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Memorial Day
We had a great Memorial Day with friends and family. We started the day with the Castor crew at the Windsor Locks parade. This was Henry's third year attending, and he definitely seemed to enjoy it. He clapped and cheered for all the marchers and has been marching around the house ever since. Later in the afternoon we had a small cook out at the house and all the boys had a great time together and had minimal arguments.
The crew!
Best buds!
Jack, Luke and Cole got silly bandz (the latest fad I guess) as a treat from Kate for behaving for pictures. They were all told to share at least one with Henry, he was very excited!
Family of three. I realized I don't have many pictures of just the three of us and since it will only be just the three of us for a few more weeks I figured we should get a shot, I really should have thought of this earlier in my pregnancy!
Waiting for the parade to come by!
My love Reed! Reed has a slight obsession with me lately and cries whenever I don't hold him or leave his house. I really love the affection, but he is very heavy and I am very pregnant, but how cute is he! Here he was yelling "cheese" because I was taking the other kids' pictures.
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