As many of you know, today was Henry's first birthday. To help him celebrate I decided to take the day off from work and have a fun day with him. Henry and I along with his cousins went to Kid City and then out for lunch and ice cream. We had a really fun day and I think Henry enjoyed his birthday almost as much as I did. I don't have pictures from ice cream because I had my hands full, but you can check out Kate's blog to see Henry enjoy his very first Cone Head!! These pictures are a little backwards, but you get the point.

Henry passed out after a long morning of playing hard.

Somebody loved the mirrors!!

There was a room dedicated to smaller children which was nice for Henry, here he is with Cole leaving from a tunnel.

And here he is in the tunnel, this child has no fear!
After a long nap and dinner it was time for a bath. Henry usually takes showers in the morning but with a combination of crawling on dirty floors and a runny nose, we decided a bath was necessary. As a special treat we turned it into a bubble bath, which I think Kevin and I had more fun with than Henry.
I love the bath pictures they're really cute! He looks like he enjoyed it!!
I can't believe Henry is already One. They grow up so fast. You will see him change so much in the next little while. He is so cute. I can't wait to see him...soon.
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