Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Henry enjoyed his first Halloween tonight, actually I think I enjoyed it much more than him. He was a good sport in his costume though, keeping it on long enough for everyone to see him. He loved getting dresses up with his cousins and he even went trick or treating. He did not get many treats though, thanks to me. He still loved seeing all kids in costumes and handing out candy.
All the boys before heading out.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
On Sunday we celebrated Kevin's dad's birthday (it was actually on 10/21). We had a yummy meal of turkey, stuffing and potatoes, all of which Henry thoroughly enjoyed(except the turkey, he's too young) and opened some presents with Grandpa. Judging from Henry's excitement of the food and the presents, I think he is really going to enjoy the holidays.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpin Picking
On Sunday Kevin, Henry and I went to Brown's Harvest and "picked" pumpkins. When we arrived at Brown's Harvest we realized we didn't bring a stroller or a front pack for Henry, so he settled for Daddy's shoulders and the wagon. I was a little nervous he would topple out the side of the wagon, but we wedged him in between pumpkins and he was fine. It was a beautiful day and Henry enjoyed his first pumpkin experience.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Day With My Friends
On Saturday Henry had his friends, Mason and Madi, and his cousin Cole over for a play date. Mason is 13 months so he is much more at Cole's speed, but they all seemed to enjoy the atmosphere and all the new toys. Soon enough they will enjoy each other's company as well. We even decided to torture them and dress them up in their Halloween costumes. It was very difficult to get them all to cooperate as it was after a long day of playing (we should have dressed them up in the beginning), and they could barely move. They were good sports though. For more pictures from the playdate check out Mason and Arian's blog!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy Birthday and Bon Voyage to Grammy!
Thursday night we celebrated Grammy's birthday and wished her well on her trip to Germany. The boys always enjoy spending time with Grammy and Papa and Henry always enjoys watching all of them act silly. It won't be long before he's running around fighting for attention with the best of them. In fact at one point while Papa was "spinning" the boys on the hardwood floors, Henry attempted to "scoot" over to them to have his turn. Well he didn't exactly make it over but he did get Papa's attention and he too got a turn spinning on the floor. I fear Cole and Henry are going to be quite a team in no time at all. We had a great time and hope Grammy has a safe and fun trip.
Cole posing with Henry, he started saying "cheese" when he was in the other room.
This is, by far, my favorite picture ever of Cole. This captures his excitement of being able to ride on Papa.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
6 Months Old!
So Henry actually turned 6 months on October first, but he just went for his six month check up on Monday. All is well with him, he is growing and developing normally. He weighs 17.2 lbs. (30th percentile) and is 26 inches long (25th percentile). He can sit up pretty well now, with only the occasional fall backwards, however it is usually a purposeful fall. He is starting to go from sitting position to his belly and he can lift himself up with his arms. His legs will kick and kick but he's not crawling yet. He is able to get around pretty well though. The other morning I sat him in front of some of his toys, with his boppy behind him just in case, I left the room for maybe a minute and when I returned he was all the way by the couch, about two feet from where I left him. He was mighty proud of himself. The doctor also gave us the ok to start table food which is very stressful for me, mostly because I have to watch Kevin carefully to make sure the food he gives him is appropriate. So far he has only done carrots and potatoes, oh yeah and pasta, but that was before the doctor gave the ok. Here are a few recent pictures, sorry there are not more, our lives are very busy lately.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
First Sleepover at Grammy and Papa's
This Saturday Kevin and I had a wedding to attend in New York, so Henry got to sleep over Grammy and Papa's. This was definitely more difficult for me than for him and it sounds like Grammy and Papa had fun spending time with him. I'm sure this was the first of many more sleepovers to come, I just might make him wait until he can ask! Here are some pics Grammy took to show me that "he's fine," as she would tell me everytime I called to check on him.

Henry and Papa, probably playing "good guys bad guys." I think Henry's pulling his hair, does that make him the bad guy?

Henry and Mommy, back together again. He seemed so affected by my leaving him for a night!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We're Back!!
Sorry it has been so long since I've posted pictures, but we have been very busy around here. Aside from the regular ins and outs of a busy life, I have recently returned to work full time and we have experienced some computer problems. Now that we're back I have several pictures to post. Here is just a random collection of what Henry has been up to for the past couple of weeks.
Don't let that smile fool you, he hates peas.
Now here is a man secure in his masculinity.
"Can you believe they expect me to eat this!"
Here he is trying to offer the veggies to his father, sorry Henry he doesn't like veggies either.
Madi was kind enough to share her saucer with Henry during their last play date.
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