Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Trip to New York

As many of you know all of Kevin's extended family lives in New York. We decided that at almost two months old Henry was ready for his first road trip. So we packed him up (along with about 15 diapers which I now know was a bit excessive, but hey I'm a new mom, I'm still getting the hang of things) and set out to meet his "great" relatives.

Our first stop was at Henry's great Aunt Jill's house in Forest Hill, NY. We met up with his great Grandpa before heading off to get some lunch. As you can see in this picture Henry was ready for his lunch!

Henry with Aunt Jill.

After our visit with Jill and Grandpa we headed to Bellrose to visit with great Aunt Carol and Henry's great Grandma! Henry's so lucky to have so many "greats" in his life. Again, Henry wanted to eat.

Henry enjoyed his time with Aunt Carol, he even took his pacifier out to talk to her!

So all in all the trip went great. Everyone was so excited to meet Henry and he handled the trip well. He slept in the car the entire time and was happy when we reached our destinations so he could stretch.

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