Henry started preschool this month. The first day of school was bittersweet for me...it's so exciting to see Henry so eager to start this new phase of his life but at the same time, he's still my baby and he's growing up too quickly. Henry's going to a Catholic preschool two mornings a week. He seems to have made friends quickly and always leaves me with a smile and returns with a smile. He was less than thrilled to find out he had to wear a uniform everyday, although I'm not sure why, sweatpants and a t-shirt sounds like my kind of uniform! It's so fun to hear about his day although sometimes it's difficult to get much more out of him than, "we ate snack and talked about God." It's a start I suppose. He's always so excited to be reunited with Oliver, who I think is enjoying some special Mommy time while Henry is at school. So the first day came and went with only a few tears (from me of course) and Henry is now an old pro and eagerly awaits Tuesday and Thursday so he can return to school and keep learning!

My little angel.

Saying good-bye to his little brother...so sweet.